Oslo Early

Oslo Early

Oslo Early is Oslo’s first Early Music festival, presenting music from the Middle Ages to Romanticism and related genres every October. Until 2016, Oslo lacked a major festival dedicated to historically informed performance practice of early classical music. It has become an important addition to the capital’s diverse cultural offerings, not only because it provides a dedicated arena for music and musicians that are rarely experienced elsewhere, but also because of the lively approach to music and communication that characterises the environment.

Artistically directed by the musicians of Barokkanerne, the ensembles of the Nordic Baroque Scene as well as their associated partners are regularly invited to perform at the festival. 2023 will see concerts by  the Finnish Baroque Orchestra and the Freiburg Baroque Orchestra.

More information can be found on the Website of Oslo Early

Nordic Baroque Scene
c/o Concerto Copenhagen
Store Kannikestræde 8, 1
DK-1169 Copenhagen K
VAT No: DK-14280030

Chair: Laura Kajander, FiBO